Our reviews

(1259 Reviews)
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Do you like Sarpino's Pizzeria / Parksville? We appreciate your effort in writing about your experience. Help customers like you make an informed decision.

November 05, 2022
The pizza is absolutely delicious. Best in town. Prices are good. Providing rural delivery for a nominal fee is great. Staff have always been pleasant. My only complaint is that the time estimate online is always very inaccurate. It tells you an estimated time when you're placing the order, but once you've placed it and paid for it, it'll give you a new estimate that is much longer, and the second estimate is the accurate one every time. So you have no way of knowing before you order and pay for it how long it's really going to take. Tonight, for example, the estimated time was 45 minutes but after paying it changed to 90 minutes!! Twice as long. Not cool. But that's the only downside, if you don't mind waiting, then otherwise it's our favorite pizza by far!!

November 03, 2022
Great pizza!

November 03, 2022
Ready on time, tasted great, service was very friendly.

November 01, 2022
Awesome gluten free crust.

November 01, 2022
Fabulous, fresh and tasty. Best crust I've ever had

November 01, 2022
Easiest online order ever. On time and accurate, and how cool is this, a follow up to see how it went?!

November 01, 2022
Awesome pizza !!!

November 01, 2022
the delivery time was way too long, but the pizza was amazing!

October 31, 2022
Second time ordering, so delicious! Thanks

October 31, 2022
Great pizza!