Our reviews

(1259 Reviews)
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Do you like Sarpino's Pizzeria / Parksville? We appreciate your effort in writing about your experience. Help customers like you make an informed decision.

December 24, 2021
Very good as always.

December 23, 2021
the best pizza

December 22, 2021
Best Pizza in Parksville and delivered half-an-earlier expected. Had a bit of trouble with ordering online though.

December 22, 2021
The two pizzas we ordered (vegetarian and cheeseburger) were absolutely delicious, as was the lasagna! Thank you!!

December 20, 2021
Really GOOD. First Time I've tried you and that will not be the last time, I assure you... also loved the Gr Salad
Thank you

December 20, 2021

December 19, 2021
Easy to order, fast delivery.. the food was great! Best pizza

December 19, 2021
Excellent pizza, good pricing. Very pleased.

December 16, 2021
Pineapple gods have heard my calling and blessed me with a bountiful feast. Thank you!

December 16, 2021
I haven't been disappointed yet for the few times I've been there. Really great pizza! Plus, it doesn't make my tummy upset like other pizza places do.