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Our reviews

(416 Reviews)
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Do you like Sarpino's Pizzeria / Langford? We appreciate your effort in writing about your experience. Help customers like you make an informed decision.

July 25, 2024
Rally , really good

July 24, 2024
Really good pizza 🍕

July 17, 2024
I ordered from Langford lastnight. They are always Great.
However. I had 3 pizzas lrg. They came to my house.
When we opened them. They looked beyond horrible as if they had been Dropped. They were squished. And sauces all over them and saugy. They were a disaster. I was so upset and mad. We couldn't eat them. I called Langford right away
The Girl was so Apologetic and assured me there was new pizza on the way.
I had 3 new pizzas at my door in 45 min. I did show the driver the pizzas and he was also very sorry and said just keep them..
It was frustrating

However there customer service was very good. And I will continue to Order from them.
Thank you Langford Sarpinos for Responding and Resolving the Matter.

July 12, 2024
Great, as usual!

July 07, 2024
Excellent service n pizza was delicious

June 28, 2024
I forgot about how salty feta cheese would make the pizza.

June 21, 2024
Our order was great! Prepared on time with great ingredients, The Sarpinos location on Jacklin road is our go-to place!

June 19, 2024
Very nice!

May 29, 2024
I have found my new goto for pizza. It was great

May 22, 2024
Good pizza. On time as requested.